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Showing posts from December, 2017

Magazine Covers

Magazine Cover Portrait & Self Portrait

Self Portrait Portrait

Assignment Portrait & Self Portrait

Portait Self Portrait

4 Websites

Photography Resolutions for 2016 On this website, I looked at many different photo's. Not to mention, they all were very unique photo's that you wouldn't expect to see in some place like the newspaper for example. I really enjoyed looking at the photos and the article talked about resolutions for a photographer like, being nice to other photographers. Favorite This was my favorite photo from the website because I thought it was really unique., it really caught my eye. A rule of photography used in this photo is balance. I'm not sure who took this photo. Photos everyone should know how to make On this website it talked about different ways to take photo's uniquely. It presented many different tactics on how to take different types of photos, for example, it wrote about how to make a long exposure landscape photo. It also gave m