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9/11 Photo technices

I chose this photo for framing because the subject is climbing an object, while so, the outworks of a broken building is surrounding him in the photo showing the technique.
Rule Of Thirds
I chose this photo for rule of thirds because the building on the left is the main focus and it is not directly in the center the photograph giving the picture more of an interesting feel, making you want to keep looking at the photo.  It hits the bottom left corner when using the grid.
I chose this photo for simplicity because it is obvious what the subject is, there is nothing else distracting you from the burning building. The background is the plain blue sky, with tiny blurred city skyline.
I chose this photo for leading lines because as you look at the photo, you start to focus on the lines, moving you vision upwards to see smoke holes and fire men.
I chose this photo for merges because the man on the right of the photographs hand is being cut off of the photo. I find it a distracting merge where I can't focus on the people helming the injured man. 
I chose this photo for balance because you can focus on the bridge, or the burning buildings, and I find it pleasing because the two subjects you can both look at without questioning or being confused on what to look at.


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