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Great Black and White Photographers Part 3

1) What first caught my eye about Ansel Adams photo's, is that they are very defined. What I mean by that is that they have so much detail added to them. Even in the most simplest photo's, he always finds a way to really grab your attention with the image's detail. Theres usually a lot going on in his photo's which I really like.

2)I see the sun shining down on me from above. The clear, bright blue sky behind it. I see a dark cave that only brings my curiosity to it. I hear small and medium sized creatures scurry through tiny, rigid plants and big stones. I hear echo's of nature's presence surround me in all sides. The wind's voices blows right near my ear. I feel dirty, from being outside for so long. The breeze, not cool but warm, drifts against my body. It's warm sensation may not help the sweat dripping down my face but it gives me feelings of comfort. I taste the dust, blowing in the air. The heat makes my cold water taste amazing. The sweat also mixes with it giving me a salty flavor. I'm getting smells from all around, like body oder coming from my body. Some animals also have distinct smells lingering around. The dust clogging my eyes stops my nose up with the smell of nothing, but still something.

second photo:

I see many creatures, my eyes locking with theirs. It feels like a stare going on forever but it's broken after a couple seconds. I look up at the sky seeing the sort rolling in. I feel the cool breeze sweep against my legs. I have a concerned feeling though I don't know why. I move along brushing against the bush. I hear the water running through the stream. The storm makes a loud thunder. I listen to the wind shaking the tree's, I hear the rattle of all the plants. The cold water I drink, makes me get goosebumps. I taste the condensation from the green's in my mouth. I also taste the the rain that's about to pour. I smell the everlasting smell of the leaves. The smell of rain water is flooding through my nose. The stream water's specific smell is fighting with it.

3) I think I would like to make a power point to show the world how great my photographer, Ansel Adams, is. I think his work has a very specific touch made by him, that adds to it, and he should be recognized for it.


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