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Portraits and Self Portraits

Two tips I think are important are to 1) Play with lighting and 2) Shoot candidly
I liked this environmental portrait a lot because you can tell what he likes to do and that he loves it.
I chose this self portrait because I thought the photographer  played with the lighting very well and he also incorporated polaroid pictures into the photo.

I chose this Self portrait because I thought it was cool that he used a mirror to show his face .
I chose this casual portrait because I liked how they had a unique, pretty, and over all eye appealing background and I thought it really enhanced the picture.
I chose this casual portrait because I liked how blurred the background was and how that affected the lighting of the photo. I also liked how it was candid of this woman laughing. I felt like that really made the photo stand out.
I liked this environmental portrait because you can clearly tell he is passionate about music and I think it's cool he likes something so much.
I am going to shoot myself, my friend Sophie, and my cat Tom. I will shoot outside when I shoot Sophie in an area with lots of greenery and inside my house for when I shoot my cat Tom. To make the shot successful I will make sure I have the appropriate camera settings set for the picture.


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